Recent News and Updates
Please Vote “Yes” on January 14th - Green Needham urges Town residents to vote "Yes" in the January 14th Special Election, thereby affirming the Housing Plan approved at the October Town Meeting and putting Needham in compliance with the MBTA Communities Act. A "No" vote would reject… Continue Reading
Green Needham Team Aims to Phase Out Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers - The Green Needham Sustainable Landscaping Team, meeting on Zoom at 7 p.m. tonight (Dec. 4th) is looking for additional volunteers to help them address the problem of gasoline-powered leaf blowers. It's hard to walk anywhere in Needham without being exposed… Continue Reading
Avery Field Project – Plaque Installation - The Richard Fry plaque has been installed at Avery Field, completing the installation of a community project Green Needham began last year. Green Needham had been seeking an installer for the plaque. Wayne Whisler, in Needham's Facilities Management department, stepped… Continue Reading
Faith in Action – Steps to Combat Climate Change at the Congregational Church of Needham - Deb Baldwin started the Congregational Church of Needham's Green Task Force, now known as the Environmental Ministry Team, in 2008. Concerned for her grandchildren and the world they would inherit, Deb believed strongly in taking action to address climate change. … Continue Reading