The GO GREEN Needham Expo on Saturday, November 10 from 10am to 4pm at Needham Town will show you practical ways to send less to the landfill. To see a full list of participants, click here. Hope to see you there!

Bootstrap Compost is Greater Boston’s premier year-round residential and commercial food scrap pickup service. Partnering with local farms, Bootstrap diverts thousands of pounds of organic material from landfills every week. As a result, we are harnessing the potential of organic refuse to redefine and empower a local food community. Our farms benefit from our compost in the production of crops while each Bootstrap subscriber receives a portion of cured compost for their own gardening projects. Remaining compost is donated to local schools and community gardens. We consider it thoughtful, sustainable, and community-engineered composting. 


Bootstrap donates a portion of its compost to school and community gardening projects. We strive to raise awareness about food waste, composting, food systems and, ultimately, nutrition, through workshops, tours and presentations.


Through composting, we are keeping food waste out of landfills. By doing so, we are offsetting harmful GHGs, creating soil amendment for farms, gardens, schools and households throughout Greater Boston.



  • Residential: Bootstrap provides residential subscribers with a 5-gallon bucket, liner and lid. Over a week (or two), you fill it with your unwanted food scraps, leftovers or organic material. Cooked or raw, wet or dry — if it grows, it goes! On your pickup day, you’ll leave the bucket near the front entrance of your residence (don’t worry, we send a reminder the night before to help you remember); Bootstrap picks it up and drops off a clean new bucket. Every four months, Bootstrap delivers five pounds of our premium soil amendment. 


  • Business: Bootstrap will outfit your kitchen or pantry area(s) with new SimpleHuman stainless steel cans and laminated signs to match the staff size and organics output of your workplace. Once a week (or more, if needed) a member of Team Boot will empty the receptacle, replace the liner, and conduct a spot cleaning of the can before hauling your fruits and vegetables, coffee grounds, tea bags, and paper towels (among other items) to a commercial facility in Saugus.
  • Restaurant: Bootstrap uses buckets, Slim Jim’s, and 64-gallon toters to help restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, and eateries of all sizes divert their compostables from landfills. From the get-go, we work with our clients and their staff to devise then implement the right strategy and schedule to manage their organics. We also provide quarterly reports that describe your establishment’s environmental impact, all while sharing your composting journey through our social media channels.
  • Other Services: We offer consulting, compost purchasing, and special event services, too.

Want to learn more about Bootstrap Compost? Visit us at the GO GREEN Needham Expo.


To learn more about the GO Green Needham Expo, visit, or follow us on Facebook at

Bootstrap Compost at GO GREEN Needham Expo

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