The annual Needham Parent Talk Spring Sale,  takes place on Sunday, May 5, 2019, from 8:30 am -12:45 pm at the Eliot School. This sale facilitates the re-use of children’s clothing and toys, keeping many perfectly usable items out of our landfills and waste facilities.  Even items remaining at the end of the sale are not thrown away – they are instead donated to charity.

In recognition of Parent Talk’s contribution to waste reduction, and to support this year’s sale, Green Needham is donating the re-useable bags for the “Bag Sale” beginning at 12 noon, where shoppers can purchase a bag for $15 and fill it with as much stuff as they can/want.

Green Needham encourages everyone to remember to re-use their re-useable bags – doing so is a great initial step in sustainable living.  Put your re-usable bags in your car after you’ve unloaded your groceries so you’ll remember to bring them into the store.

It may not seem like a big deal, but single-use bags have a significant, negative impact on the environment.  Check out these stats on what American households use every year:

  • 100 billion plastic bags /year
  • 10 billion paper bags, created by 14 million trees

Sources: (Wall Street Journal  6/26/17; New York Times, 12/3/07 “A Bag Problem Blossoms”

Parent Talk Spring Sale – Promoting Re-use in Needham
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