Town meeting members will soon have the chance to take an important step toward reducing carbon emissions. At the October 24th 2022 Special Town Meeting, the Select Board will ask for permission to explore bringing Community Electricity Aggregation (CEA) to Needham. Please take 5 minutes to watch this highly informative video presentation on CEA by the Needham Channel and urge your Town Meeting Members to support CEA!
In Community Electricity Aggregation (CEA), a city or town contracts with an electricity supplier with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stabilizing, or possibly lowering, electricity costs (although cost savings can’t be guaranteed). The emissions reduction is achieved by increasing the amount of renewable energy fed into the electricity grid.

Aggregation contracts are an incredibly powerful tool in the fight against climate change. The Needham Climate Action Plan Committee has identified pursuing a CEA as the single most impactful action that the Town can take in the immediate term to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
At the October 24th Special Town Meeting, the Select Board will ask for permission to explore bringing CEA to Needham. Please urge your Town Meeting Members to support CEA!
Earlier this month, Needham introduced a contact form to make it easier for residents to communicate with their Town Meeting representatives. To open the contact form, click here and select your precinct from the list. Alternatively, you can access your precinct’s form at precinct letter). For example, if you live in precinct B, you can access the form at If you’re not sure of your precinct, you can consult precinct maps here.
If you’d like to learn more about CEA, you can read our FAQs about the program or watch this five-minute video presentation by the Needham Channel.
CEA is an incredibly powerful tool in the fight against climate change! Please let your Town Meeting Members know that you would like them to support CEA on October 24!